My PTA group met yesterday at the home of Dort Lee; we were honoring 2 of our gals - Connie Brown (left) and Barbara Swinea (right). We crowned them with tiaras (the finest that money could buy) and jeweled bracelets. Connie has just become an American Quilters Society Certified Appraiser. We've watched Connie work so hard on this for years and it is quite an accomplishment. Barbara just won a second place at the American Quilters Society show in Paducah, another wonderful accomplishment and you can see her beautiful quilt "Bamboo at Dawn" in the winners issue of the American Quilter. We are so proud of the both of you!

Dort has 50 acres with wonderful barns and little buildings, beautiful pastures and streams. Part of our day included walking around and taking pictures. This little shed below had a wonderful door.

It will probably wind up in a quilt.

And I loved the side of the shed with horseshoes and an old piece of metal.

This was my favorite. I took around 20 pictures of this old tractor, every angle you can imagine. This will become a quilt!

This looks like a pair of eyes staring at you and a smile on the bottom.
Okay, so back to the house for show and tell. Here is one of Barbara Swineas beautiful quilts. Barbara does the most exquisitely pieced backgrounds for all her work.

This is Connie Browns Retro Rick Rack. I love the use of rick rack on this piece.

Dort Lee often does beautiful landscapes based on pictures of her property; she has so much great subject matter to choose from.
Janice Maddox took a workshop from Jane Sassaman and created this wonderful piece in her class.

Linda Cantrell created this lovely piece which is so interesting; she gets some of her inspiration from rug designs.
A fun day and as always - so inspiring!
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