John C Campbell Folk School is nestled in the quaint little town of Brasstown, NC, surrounded by mountains and mountain culture. The school offers weeklong and weekend workshops in a variety of crafts. Taking and teaching weeklong workshops is always a joy because of the indepth approach to subject matter in an environment conducive to creativity. I am lucky to be teaching there this fall - September 13-18. I'll be presenting the following workshop - Nature to Paper to Fabric. Years ago, I developed a technique for duplicating leaves onto fabric. It developed as a result of trying to recreate the beautiful fall leaves I collected each year but couldn't quite capture on fabric. This quilt, part of a series that resulted from that technique is "Natures Images - Autumn". For this piece, I created all the leaves using this technique.

and a detail - the leaves are identical to the real leaf, only difference, mine don't die.

This technique can be used in so many ways. "Nature Images - Hydrangeas" used real petals from Hydrangea flowers to create the quilt below.

This next piece "Natures Images - Summer" used real leaves mixed in with fabric appliques.
In "Natures Images - Daylilies", real daylilies were used as a transfer to fabric; the rest of the piece used hand-dyed fabric.

The flower on the right is the real thing" - left is hand-dyed fabric; both mix well together.

Natures Images - Country Walls" used real ivy transferred to silk. The rocks were made from muslin and canvas which I painted and stuffed in areas to give an uneven-ness to the surface, more like a rock.

and a detail.

It's a wonderful school, great food and lots of fun activities besides the workshops. Hope you'll consider joining us. To see more of my work, please visit my
Ahhh Judy I love your work so much. I love the way that you take your vision of nature and transcribe it or represent it into a fiber piece. The representaional piece is just wonderful in real life. If anyone else is reading this - you should Judy's work if you get the chance...just wonderful!