YES! There's an end in sight. My daughter will walk down the aisle with a finished gown, that fits and doesn't fall down, lace not falling off, a hem that's straight, a bustle that bustles! I'm excited, relieved,..... happy and a small part of me a little sorry to see this monumental project behind me. I'm working on the Bridal veil now which originally was to be very simple - a half day job, quick and easy - 1..2..3. BUT then we decided it needed lace on the edge and what good is lace if it's not beaded! Getting off track, this scenario reminds me of the many "Mafia" movies we've watched (My husband was an FBI agent who worked organized crime). Our all time favorite line and used often around our house is "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" said in a very heavy New York accent. I found myself laughing to myself saying almost the same thing. Just when I thought I was done, they pull me back in.
Well the beading does make it beautiful, so back to the beading table for a little while longer!
The veil was cut out twice - once before it was to have lace

and another after pinning the lace and realizing it would be difficult to attach with it so close to the edge. So having bought lots of extra tulle, I cut veil # 2 - marked the finished edge with a Sharpie and cut @ 6" beyond the edge

making it easier to put in a hoop for sewing (pin marks the middle).

Then came the beading.

I am counting how many beads I have left. I'm not wanting to order any more and not figuring on beading the veil has left me without beads for "wiggle room". Each one is precious now as I scour my studio for those that have fallen off or under the tables.

After it is beaded, I trim the edge to the shape of the appliques and attach it to the comb.

This morning I sent it off to Atlanta - safe travels sweet Bridal Veil.
I am enjoying reading your posts about the wedding dress progression. What a monumental task but one both you and your daughter will remember and treasure for years to come. Wow, all those beads..... I can hardly wait to see the final result....