Fiber Day is this weekend at the Folk Art Center in Asheville, NC. It's one of the many activities sponsored by the Southern Highland Guild. It's 2 full days of events focusing on fiber, so for the fiber lover, you'll receive an overdose of all the things you love. On Saturday, from 10-4, visit the auditorium for lots and lots of demos on weaving, spinning, dyeing with natural dyes, quilting, machine arts and marbling on fabric. Sunday will present 2 fashion shows featuring garments and accessories made by members of the guild. It's always great fun and a wonderful source of inspiration.
I'll be doing marbling with the kids (both the big and little ones). We'll be using smaller than usual pans so everyone will get to try it. We'll start with a marbling base and 2-3 colors of paint which are dropped on top.

Just using 2 colors here.

We'll be using Cascade rakes and a stylus to rake designs which will be easy for the little ones.

Lowering a small piece of fabric on top of the design and waiting a few moments for the fabric to look like it's wet.

Then a quick rinse in warm water and voila - My little marblers willl go home with a piece of fabric they designed themselves.

There are so many beautiful patterns you can do with this technique but not enough time to do on fiber day so here's a "look-see" at some of the pretty patterns I will have as samples. This is the Cascade pattern made with the Cascade rake. It was done on silk.

And Bouquet done with a series of rakes and the final rake which uses the Bouquet Rake.

This is a waved Non-pareil using a resist made of contact paper in the marbling process (in the shape of a leaf). I later went back and filled in the area with silk paint.

Hope to see you there
Super Judy.....what fun!!!