The Asheville Quilt Guild held their annual show this year at a new location - the agricultural center. It's a much bigger facility and able to house the entire show and vendors under one roof! A welcome of beautiful fall flowers greeted us at the entrance.

Quite frankly I didn't know what to expect. In years past, the show has been held at the NC Arboretum which is beautiful, warm and inviting; this was quite a change and change can be good and this was spectacular!

I felt like I was at a "mini" Houston show. The vendors were wonderful and a lot more of them.

The quilts were hung so you could really get around and see them up close and personal or from a distance - great for picture taking. Barbara Swineas beautiful piece was one of my favorite. Her piecing skills are the best, the uniqueness of the placement of squares is wonderful.

Linda Cantrell's - A Day in the Life of a Diner was another one of her "humorous" quilts which she is well known for. Linda never ceases to amaze me or keep me laughing.

And a detail - this was the "12 midnight" seating with Ladies of the evening in the booth.

Pat Kerko did the most beautiful silk quilt - looked like a dupioni to me, brilliant colors and machine embroidered. Her color choices were just amazing.

Jane Cole's quilts are always wonderful and add so much to a show.
And one of Lynne Harrills wonderful pieces.

There are so many more. I do hope you'll get a chance to stop by today, it is a wonderful show.
I'm heading off to John Campbell for the week to assist my friend Sandy Bonsib with her workshop - have a great week.
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