To continue on with my crazy month, my daughter and I always have a "shop til you drop" weekend ...mainly for Christmas presents. We hit every store in Atlanta, have wonderful lunches and very long days. This year it started on a friday and I was to come in early-ish to see my daughter's school. She has changed schools 3 times within the same district due to job changes. She is now an instructional coach - a position she has aspired to since day 1. She is also in the same school as her daughter, my granddaughter, Audrey. School was just about letting out and my 6 year old Audrey wanted to give me a tour.
How impowering for her to parade me around the school, in and out of classrooms, the nurse's and principals office. Of course we had to do it several is the after school program call Animal Crackers.This I found the library is a TV featuring a live presentation of an eagles nest; a family of eagles, coming and going. Someone set up a recorder next to the nest and it runs round the clock. It was absolutely amazing to be that close to such a beautiful bird. It is presented by Berry College in Georgia. You can google it and watch it on your computer; is there anything more wonderful for children to see on TV than this.
That night we returned to school (another one in the district) which hosts an annual holiday boutique. Every classroom featured 3 or 4 different artists; they all had work for sale...It was great fun. There was even an Olympic Gold medalist from Canada who won her medal in ice skating. It's funny how life can take so many twists and turns.....her hands were always cold so she took up knitting to make outerwear. That led her to start a business making hats, scarfs and gloves.

The next day it was on to Lenox Mall in Atlanta and also one of the prettiest. We really did shop like crazy but got so much done.

Sunday it was on to Ponce Market Place - such an interesting complex. One of the stores has the back all set up with leather pelts, machines and cutters for making leather items.
I was supposed to go home on Monday but the storm prevented that from happening. I could get out of Atlanta but not into Asheville...soooo I had to stay another day. My daughter took a personal day and yes we shopped some more. Target this time which is always fun, something for everyone. We got Icee's but realized there were no drink holders on the our very tired and silly brains took over and used the seatbelt to hold our drinks in place. It was a wonderful 3 days with my sweet girl and we really did get a lot done also.
What a wonderful time you got to share with your daughter and help the economy too!!! Win/win!!! Happy Holidays and a wonderful New year to you and your family!