So these are the same quilts side by side and you can see what a difference fabric choices can make.
Both are beautiful and meticulously done.Susan has been working on smaller projects like table runners - a good way to use up scraps.
Mary just returned from her annual girlfriend retreat in Arizona. She always comes back with treasures. On top some eco printing on felt and below some ice ice dyeing on felt and cotton.

I think it's interesting to see how different fabrics (felt on left and cotton on right) take dyes in the same process and batch...all factors were the same. The cotton has crisper edges and color a little more intense. The felt much softer but still great color...both are yummy.
And another lovely ice dyed piece from Mary.
We are working through Jane Dunnewold's Improvisational Screen Printing - I have the original version while Denny has the revised one. Denny has many colored pictures in hers which add to the impact.We both have real fabric samples which is so nice to be able to touch.
This month we are working on paper and plastic stencils or masks. Denny brought extra gel plates that she made; they work really well.

This is Denny's wonderful screen of houses she created with a Thermofax.
Screening on top of an already busy hand dyed fabric adds so much texture and interest. I love this piece.

Susan was using washers to lay down on a geli plate and then print over for more texture - a great look.
I was coating my geli plate with a thick paint like Lumiere and using a natural sponge, removing areas of color. You can see in the lower right.
It can look something like the above (Susan's) although it looks like Sue could have put 2 plates together with paint in between, pulled them apart and the suction created patterning.
So the top 2 are mine created by using a brick stencil, gold Lumiere paint and semi-successful eco printed silk noil which I felt needed more work. Bottom is Gen using a sample she made on machine quilting to fill in the hearts.
Gen works a lot with paper and this is some of the things she was creating. I would love this done on fabric....might have to give it a try.
Kate and Denny pondering...
Gen on left with her favorite book and the "lunch bunch" on right.
More lunch bunch and 2 of my samples I ironed when I got home...I was pleased with the way they turned out. Til next time...
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