PTA (piecers, talkers and applique-ers) met at Dort's new house last week. Besides our wonderful show and tell, we had the added bonus of seeing Dort's new home and studio which was light and roomy and a fun place to be.
Connie had a lot to share...She brought lots of samples from a friend who was a decorator...and also showed the darling baby quilts she is making using chenille which is so soft as well as having some wonderful texture.
And look what goes with each darling is this - hand crocheted Octopus's or is it Octopi...either way, they are adorable.

Connie also had packs of handmade coasters...great gifts.

Dort modeled her dress she made from the folkwear patterns she purchased recently...She looked wonderful in it. It's a very soft, flow-y kind of style and Dort carried it off beautifully. We also were able to see her new studio which is quite large, light and has glass doors which open up to a beautiful backyard..very inspiring space.
We also got to see some of her new pieces from her series of a trip to France with her sister.
Georgia showed us a huge quilt made up of many projects she has done over the years. It was such fun to see how she was able to tie so many different styles and subject matter together so well.
....a fun and interesting piece to much nose appeal.

Such a great day...always with this group. I always come home so happy and full of inspiration.
Always a fun post to read! I feel like we know each of your members!