Well I couldn't let this post go by...I like to have it in my blog for when I make it into a book....which is also my journal.
Not too long ago, my granddaughter was visiting from Atlanta....where they get no snow. And what 7 year old doesn't love snow...
As luck would have it and a surprise to me, we had snow....not a lot but enough to go sledding.
You can see the house across the Cul du Sac from ours....
and the nice hill that leads down to the street....no cars ever except for the 3 families that live here so also very safe.It was magical...

and a view off our back deck...wish it could have been more but I'll take it...and then a very short time later....
some beautiful spring flowers...I love spring and the birth of new things but it does lead into summerwhich has become way too hot for me...guess you can't have one without the other...Happy Spring everyone...
What a fun time and great memory! I too use my blog for my 'daily' journal! May not be everyday but you don't have memories like this every day! And I can look back on how I did a project! HA Daffodils! Holy smoke...guess spring is 'almost' here!!