My husband and son are big time gardeners. I love the garden, love looking at and picking the flowers, eating the veggies but unfortunately have never been a gardener, but I do appreciate the efforts that go into creating something so beautiful/"yummy" or both! I've never liked the feel of dirt on my hands. It's kind of ironic as I don't mind dye, paint, paste and everything else that goes into creating fabric, am not embarrassed to "wear" my dye-stained hands out in public - but dirt just does me in. Our garden is beautiful this year. This is the third year in our home with many new plants and trees and with so much rain, they really took off! We have a Hibiscus with flowers the size of dinner plates. My son Mike has one behind his ear, you can see how big - just gorgeous!

Right now, it's covered with flowers.

We have lots of varieties of lilies, love the ruffled edges on this one.

and of course the purple cone flower.

But this is my favorite flower in the garden, the Double Delight Pink cone flower.

We've never had Larkspur before and I love them. What color and they stay standing after a heavy rain - a big plus!

My husband built a bird feeder we surrounded with Morning Glories, Zinnias and Purple Knight. I hope the birds can find the birdseed!

Celosia might be the most interesting flower I've seen, almost like fur and the color is amazing!

And our field of daisies.

Great inspiration for a quilt.