PTA meetings at Mary B's are always fun; she is a delightful hostess and always makes us laugh, feeds us well and makes sure we have a wonderful day.
A little mini wine bar along with coffee starts us off.We always have a wonderful show and tell from so many talented members.
Kate took a block printing class where she carved the block and made some prints. The Fiber Junkies that were also PTA-ers were so excited, we decided to do this activity at our meeting coming up next week.

Marene is always so productive and has new things to show us. Besides her beautiful quilting, she also makes jewelry - the piece on the left has wire work over a stone...something I would love to do. The piece on the right is from a workshop she took a while back...
and such beautiful machine quilting.

Mary is in a little quilting bee in her community and brings her hexagons to work on all done by hand. She is also making the cutest hats....
using this - don't know what to call it..but I had one as a child on a much smaller scale. I used to make mile long snakes to do what with - I don't know...just fun to make.Well, Mary even has her teddybears donned in her hats.

Marene is also a knitter and made this beautiful vest which I'm hoping to make. I don't knit - well some scarves...but have always wanted to learn so this may be the beginning of my great knitting career.
Every year I make a journal out of my blog through "Cutest blogs on the block" and realized when looking at the most recent one, I have lots of beautiful projects to see but not enough people....soooo...this time around, I'm overdosing with my friends...Here we are at lunch eating a wonderful salad from Mary's salad bar.Janice, Linda and kate...
and Kathy...showing us how healthy she can eat...
Marene's head, Georgia and Connie...
and Mary showing us dessert....Carrot Cake...well yum...Wait a's Carrot Cake Oreos..well that's yum too and they were.

And Mary had door prizes for us...yes...don't know where she got this crazy thing but we all had a good laugh - it's a straight pin dispenser which you have to load and it takes forever to get a pin.
Kathy was the "lucky" person to get this and already thinking about how she can disguise it so nobody will recognize it when she puts it in the white elephant exchange next year...Foxy Lady!
And the end to a perfect day, as we left, Mary gave us a long stem rose....