Our annual PTA retreat has come and gone and it was wonderful as always...our 12th year and we're still going strong. We've all seen changes over the years...First year, we had the refrig filled to the brim with wine...as well as wine being on top and to the side of the refrig...think we drank every drop. We also stayed up a lot longer which we no longer do and probably got more accomplished...well, now we're sewing at our own slower pace but still having a blast.
The laughs, stories and wonderful conversations just get better and better...guess that's what it's really all about. I'm sharing some pictures...you've seem similar ones before if you follow my blog...same room, different projects and more gray hair but same enthusiasm...Barbara and Linda above...Leigh Anne and Kate below starting their projects.
Marene and Georgia back to back or (face to face) with many projects going.....
And Mary who started a huge black and white quilt which I have to say is finished already....I call her the "Energizer Bunny"...a title well earned....So I thought you might like to meet the ladies who gather every year....not all PTA members are here as they have other committments....but here are our attendees.......Cathy below left and Mary on right (the bunny).
Barbara and Leigh Anne (left and right) ready with their rotary cutters.... Linda below left with that smile that lets me know she is up to something...and Marene on right. I have to add that Mary wore the hat for cruise director (heading up the retreat) for 10 years...then Kate for the last 2 years and now Marene on right is our new "fearless leader".....so we have to be extra nice and kind to her as it's a BIG job...

Our International celebrity quilter - Georgia Bonesteel (above) who is the most down to earth person I know...busy making a Quilt of Valor....and Kate on left below....Now on the right is Lynne whom (and I don't know why) did not get a picture of...so this is a picture taken at one of our other meetings...and myself on the right as I'm not in any pictures as I'm taking them...and yes...I am a real person.
Leigh Anne was working on several quilts but this one really took my fancy. It looks like luminescent gold but really, it's 2 different gold fabrics in different values that create this look. I just love it.
Here it is further along...the Indigo squares are fabric she purchased in Japan...
I love it and also the way she highlighted specific parts to stand out...like the Japanese kitty above.
Marene is working on her machine but also this hand pieced hexagon quilt. She started this as a result of wanting a project while sitting in the hospital with her husband who is undergoing treatments. It's amazing and quite complex...she has it down pat. Cathy (below) is working on 2 I spy quilts for her twin nieces. I know she finished one and had a healthy start on quilt #2. The black and white below Cathie's is mine...I didn't know what I wanted to do until the day before retreat. I had a lot of precut triangles which I turned into hexagons with my Accuquilt and thought they might make a nice backdrop for something...I think I'm putting red poppies on top...something floppy looking so I can call it "Floppy Poppies"....

Barbara was working on polka dots but came to a standstill and thought her piece needed something more...know it will turn out great...sometimes a short time on the design wall to just sit and do nothing and Voila...an idea!!! We've all experienced that. Georgia was working on a Quilt of Valor...and looky...looky at Georgia's face when she discovers her mistake. We all voted on whether to keep it there or not...but she decided to make it perfect...

Lynne is pondering....don't know over what but I do like what she's done so far. Our retreat is also a time of sharing. Cathy showed us this great foot grip to prevent your machine power foot from moving (below left). Marene went home and made one out of shelving grip material...really a pain to make and said worth every penny to buy it. Kate was making a quilt from a book she recently purchased....(right) and we all loved the book...had so many great quilts to make and I don't even like piecing...but for this I would make an exception.
For the last 2 years, we've been in charge of our own meals...we used to eat in the dining hall. This works out great for us; we all take charge of a meal (usually in pairs) and do the whole thing. Our happy hour is the most fun and everyone brings goodies for that.
So we play games at night....usually Rumicube - our favorite. Linda was very uncomfortable after a full day of wearing a bra...we all know that feeling. She unclipped it without telling us...looking a little odd, we started commented on it and laughed hysterically when she told her story as only Linda can - 2 sets of....well ....you can guess..... It doesn't take much to make us happy and laugh...how lucky we are!
Such yummy dinners...and then of course we have the "over-achiever"...this year the award goes to Leigh Anne...who almost finished her first top (gold and Indigo) and then pulled out this beauty of Dresdan plates she is working on.
This is an old picture of a past retreat when we found out one of our members Janice had just found out she was having a grandchild boy...well, this retreat, Janice couldn't attend because another grandchild boy was on it's way...Above, we all found blue fabric to wear for the occasion. It was a wonderful 3 days and I look forward to next year..but not too soon...I would like to have many adventures in between.