I'm off and running again, this time to the
Hudson River Valley Art workshops where I'll be doing a weeklong workshop on Inspirations from Nature - lots of good machine techniques. If you click on their website, you'll see a good picture of the Inn which looks positively wonderful with lots to do and beautiful views everywhere you look. My hubby is coming with me; he'll do the driving and get to bop around all week while I'm teaching. I think it will be a fun week.
Also wanted to wish you a Happy Halloween, one of my favorite holidays. I love seeing the little ones and especially love eating the leftover candy.

I grew up in NY where it was always cold on Halloween. Your costume was always big and loose so you could wear lots of warm clothes underneath. My mom was the "candy apple" mom who made those yummy bright red candy apples for all the kids in the neighborhood. It was always the last house we went to as it was our favorite treat. I have wonderful memories of my days as a "Trick or Treater" and those of going around with my kids.
I hope you'll be making some wonderful memories this Halloween, so a Happy Halloween.