It's a design an outfit - the more ridiculous and silly the better, come and flaunt it. All the proceeds support the Non-Denominational program for Eldercare and Children.

Next we worked our way around the room starting with Dot who does the most beautiful felting. Well another funny story. Previously, I emailed the group to request they bring any worn out pantyhose which I use in dyeing silk. Dot brought me a large bag of "legs" - no tops to the legs, just the legs! Well, Dot what happened to the tops; Dot explained that in the felting process, she molds the fibers around a ball and then uses the tops to contain it for felting. This is one of Dot's vessels - it is beautiful!

Gen brought a lot of handbags which she made. My favorite was this one - blue and yellow with piping.
This gal brought a beautifully tailored jacket she had made. I was a sewer before I was a quilter and my mouth hung open upon seeing this - bound buttonholes and welted pockets all perfectly done!
I loved this next springtime piece and the pretty colors and of course Hydrangeas. I also loved the checkerboard background.
Our local fiber arts group has grown from about 5 to 50 in 11 years. We now have dues and structure and have had all sorts of conflict! Hope your group survives its growth spurt intact and fun!!