You might wonder what a pig, some dancers and beautiful gardens all have in common! They were all part of a wonderful day hosted by our friends Debbie and Joel. Well maybe not so wonderful for the pig - he was the barbeque part, all 119 pounds of him. I've never seen a whole roasted pig but Wally, the magnificent chef did a very discreet and excellent job of turning this into pulled pork.
The barbeque was to honor the dance troupe Terpsicorps that pays a visit to Asheville once a year. The dancers come from all over, some are already dancing professionally, some are still in school studying dance. They are all excellent, in wonderful shape and as Debbie says, you can always spot them as they'll be standing in some "dance postition" without even realizing they're doing so.
and a more "comfortable than it looks" bench.

And the gardens, they took our breath away

There's nothing like beautiful rocks to set off colorful flowers.

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