We had our PTA meeting today at Mary's and were greeted by this....

Gen showed us this new product - it replaces the gelatin plates you make with Knox gelatin. This one is permanent, can be cleaned and used over and over. It's really cool and I'm thinking I may have to invest in one as I love monoprinting!

Linda is always off on a new adventure where her quilting is concerned. She has been reading fairy tales on line - the European ones from France and other places. The images as well as the story have been sometimes wonderful, sometimes spooky the way fairy tales can be BUT they are also public domain, even bettter. So they have become the inspiration for a series she is working on using these stories.

We have all been invited to be part of the Tiffany exhibit being held at the Biltmore House in Asheville. The Deerpark restaurant which has a nice gallery space is holding the quilts. Antler Village is holding the actual Tiffany glass items. This is Dort's quilt for the "stained glass" piece to be used in the quilt part of the exhibit.

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