Here's the piece Barbara is working on...further along.
The black and white prints make such a wonderful background.Kate finished her quilt #1 for the NC Hurricane Quilt project. Marene started another very colorful quilt to challenge herself in working with bright colors.

She had the blocks made already; she had to put them together and do the border.....
Mighty pretty....
And Leigh Anne's quilt even further along. I love the addition of gold fabric and maroon strips...sometimes the colors you think will never work together are dynamite.!
Barbara had also been working on a wonky log cabin. The fun thing about this quilt is that all size strips are going to work as long as the outside measurement of each block is the same. What a great scrap quilt.
Mary is also making a quilt for the NC Hurricane Quilt project. The blues are beautiful and will make a stunning quilt.
Georgia has started another Trip Around the World. I'm always intrigued in the way she plans her fabrics and then lays them out and stitches them in the order they will be used. It will be fun to see the finished piece...In closing, I must say, it was a great 3 days as always. These gals add so much to my life; I value their friendship and just enjoy being with them.
I always love the 'show and tell' that I can see from my couch! And your groups work is always amazing!