To continue the coverage of the wonderful Asheville Quilt Guild show held this past weekend, this is only a brief sampling of so many beautiful quilts.
Come Alive by Sandy Wold was a beautifully pieced quilt in soft colors.My Cold Plate by Penny Streeter was a masterpiece in workmanship. Ladies standing next to me were saying it reminded them of Frozen - the very popular Disney movie. My little granddaughter who had everything Frozen in her room, would agree I think and that was my immediate reaction also.

Kissing Stars by Andrea Walker (top left) and Pasta Pizzaz by Alice Russell were beautiful examples of piecing and machine quilting - both were wonderful. Feathered Star by Jackie Hurwitz - is there nothing prettier than a beautifully made feathered star. I've always been a fan of this pattern but have never tried many points and this one was perfect.
Zoomville by Greenville Modern Quilt Guild was simplistic and very lovely. I'm not much of a minimalist but am liking it more and more for its calming qualities.

Above left, Connie Brown made Taffy with a detail on the right. I love the big hand stitching and am doing that more and more on my quilts...looks great. Directly above in center is Thousand year Journey Ocean Circulation by Sylvia Schaefer. It was an interesting pattern to see interpreted into fabric.
Jeremy's Dream Aquarium by Nancy Oldham was very large and dramatic...lots of detail to see up close and personal.
Haunted Christmas by Cyndi Herrmann - just adorable and I'm betting a really fun quilt to make.
Ladies of the Sea by Mary Ellen Simmons was a magnificent piece of workmanship and design..

One of the highlights of the show was our own Georgia Bonesteel who gave several lectures and demos at the show. Her new book Scrap Happy Quilts has recently been published and is a beauty. Not only does it contain many beautiful pictures and directions for some of her quilts but stories from her "growing-up" years...simple stories that just grabbed my heart...maybe because they were so typical of childhood and our own humble beginnings...She told the stories behind her first 3 spankings...back in the day when a simple and mild pat on the bottom taught a lesson. It made me want to go home and start writing down so many of my own stories. I can't remember what I had for breakfast but I can remember so much from the past. Anyway, it was a wonderful lecture and thank you Georgia for continuing to inspire us in all the best ways.
I have some very talented girlfriends who not only make quilts but beautiful clothes. Marene Parsons (below) has made this beautiful wrap using a Folkwear pattern and than used such an interesting pin as a closure. I have the same pattern and now can't wait to use it.
Mary Stori on bottom, made the beautiful vest she is wearing...on closer inspection I noticed the wonderful beading along the subtle and adding so much...AND she also made the necklace which goes so well with the vest...
It was a great day and show...

I did appreciate and loved each of the quilts but Folk Art Fun in Baltimore by Tami Graeber is fabulous!!! All hand about great workmanship!!! WOW!