Gary, Barbara's hubby set large potted plants around to give the feel of us being in a was also the most beautiful day weather wise.

Georgia had some wonderful pieces to show...a smaller one that uses a very innovative hanging clever!

And this wonderful piece from her new virtual workshop...the center is pieced, the people and birds are all stenciled and the round outer edge is pieced...quite a work of art.

Barbara got the award for not only being the "Hostess with the Mostess" but also being the most productive....I present you with a mini quilt show...first this beautiful and happy very geometric quilt.

What little or big girl wouldn't love this. I think Barbara is planning on using a very thick batting and tying it so it is more like a comforter.
I love plaids and this was so the way she framed the different sections of plaids....all in all, it was a great day with friends. It's amazing how we take things for granted....Just being back to a meeting with friends just felt so good.

Love seeing your S&T!!! Our art group has been meeting outside this summer except for one month due to rain! Not sure what we'll be doing come this month and this winter! Great work from your PTA group!