Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

I've always loved the rain, a good time for working in the studio, hot tea or cocoa, and just doing great "wintery" type stuff. I look forward to these days but after 6 days worth, I've had enough. The sun has finally made an appearance, the ground is drying out and the plants just a little bit bigger and greener because of it. I took some pictures of the storm as it came in. It really was pretty and a little eerie. The clouds coming in over the mountains looked a bit ominous. We are on top of a hill which makes it a bit scary, sometimes feels like the house will blow away.

There were some beautiful cloud formations.

And at the end of a storm, a rainbow. Is there anything more magical!
We were lucky, no damage in this area. Atlanta was hit bad. We used to live there and my daughter still does. My heart and prayers go out to everyone there - what they are going through and still have to face.

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