Christmas is everywhere; yesterday was our annual holiday celebration at the home of one of our members of the Fiber Arts Alliance.

This beautiful homestead is also the home of many sheep which turn into the most beautiful yarns, all created by our hostess.

It's such a very nice and talented group of women, such fun to be with. We had a fabric postcard exchange - the "white elephant" exchange where people pick an item and can then trade for another item already opened. It could have gone on for hours, but each card was so unique, interesting and lovely, there was no "round and round". So here's a peak at some of the cards people went home with. This first one is one of my favorites; I'm a "leaf" person so this yanked at my heartstrings.

This next one was amazing - such detail and loved the imagery.
Love this next one, so peaceful. Those of you growing up on Long Island - does this remind you of Jones Beach, the gathering place for anyone under the age of 25! (at least back in the 60s and 70s).
And leaves again! The leaves are organza which give a nice dimension to the look.

This next card was made by Sally Fargo and the most sought after. The detail is wonderful. The little sheep were all done with French knots.

Loved the beautiful satin stitching and machine embroidery on the next card.
Hand painted fabric provide the theme for this next card, a really pretty landscape. Meg Manderson has a series of art quilts she has created using her hand painted fabrics - what a great way to use "leftovers".

This next card "tickled" everyone. The imagery is wonderful - depicts a young man having his pants mended in a very odd position. We all had a good laugh and McKenna Linn went home with this treasure.

Such a fun day with such nice people
Great post cards! Sorry I missed the meeting...couldn't make it up the stairs, but we did have a lovely visit to Asheville this week. Happy Holidays, Judy!