Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tid Bits

My two crazy and fun weeks are behind me and I'm into my third - still crazy - still fun but as my mom used to say "I'm too pooped to pop".
I had a wonderful time at the Southern Highland Fair, saw lots of "interesting" clothing combinations, hair styles, etc. I love people watching, just wish I had my camera handy. One thing I loved was seeing a "jeans" skirt being modeled by a young woman. She took it apart and added "gores" made out of recycled men's ties. It had a nice "swing" to it and quite colorful with the addition of ties. I thought of taking a picture long after the fact. One of the highlights of the fair was meeting a gal who follows my blog (from Florida) and made her daughter's wedding gown as I was making my own daughters. We made them side by side and had some good stories to share.
    Today I happened on a little stand that sold corn from their cornfield. There was a giant container for the corn - you're on the honor system - take what you want and put the money in a cool contraption.
There's a little slit to stuff the money into.
The "Money Tube".
One hundred feet down from the cornstand was another wonderful vegetable stand and the honor system once again. I love this shed.

Might have to go back and take more pictures of this, really interesting!
And fresh corn we're about to eat for dinner.
Tomorrow it's Fiber Junkies and our silk screening day. In the morning we'll burn our screens; in the afternoon, it's improvisational silk screening. It will be a fun day with lots of pictures and things to report.
Signing off for now

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