The Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival invited our PTA Fiber group to do an exhibit for their show last week. It hung for the duration of the show and was viewed by thousands of people. I know I've talked about some of the pieces and showed their progress on my blog, but to see it finished and hung with such beautiful signage was just plain wonderful. Every member chose an artist that inspired them and then did a piece to reflect something in that artist's work. Linda Cantrell chose Picasso.
The beautiful signage done by Lynne Harrill reflected a picture of the artist's work alongside each member's interpretation/work. A little blurb about the work along with a couple of sentences about the artist was also included.Cathy Neiman chose Kandinsky. A close up of this piece reveals lots of wonderful big stitching and hand work.
Barbara Swinea chose Charles R MacIntosh as her artist. Barb is a master at both piecing and applique.
You can see the similarities in the feel of the two pieces...
Mary Stori chose Banksy as her artist and this is her wonderful interpretation.
Kate Weston chose Matisse as her artist - think she nailed it!
Mary Berry chose William H. Johnson as her artist. Mary's piece is based on a picture of her as a child in the garden, but also reflecting the style of her artist.
That was one of my favorite exhibits in the show.