The Mountain Art Quilters which is a satelite group of SAQA in the Asheville, NC area had its first meeting of the New Year this past week...everyone was enthused to get back into the creative swing of things. Some gals have been very busy and brought some lovely things to share.
I love the combination of pink and black and the interesting birds...each one different.Mary created this very big and lovely quilt using Japanese fabrics.
I like the way she used the brownish cranberry strips to highlight each square.
Julie has been busy making quilts out of African prints. She was concerned that this looked like a panel but not so and doesn't give that impression in's very vibrant.
Julie loves to do hand stitching and this piece has some beautiful hand work on it.

Kathy has started a new series of quilts using photos of places around Asheville. She said she wandered around looking at landmarks etc. and nothing grabbed her and then she came upon this street with interesting texture in the buildings and a canopy of trees...On the left is the picture she used for inspiration.
Some lovely piecing in the background.
Mary Jane likes to work in sheers and brought this small piece that she wants to incorporate with some cotton/silk blended sheer. It was luscious and a picture would not do it justice.
Our little group is growing and each meeting seems to bring new people...this gal (so sorry...don't know her name yet) brought some wonderful pieces highly embellished with some very fun things. these little orange thing-eys are pipe cleaners and do they ever bring back memories...As kids, we used to cut them apart to create caterpillars...don't remember what we used them for but they were so soft and fun to pet.
And more on the trees...
This gal has so much fun with her pieces and fun for us to see also...everywhere you look is something clever.
So here is a lovely piece mounted on a stretched canvas that has been painted black. It's quite lovely in person.
Such a fun meeting and so inspiring...nice way to kick off the New Year.
What colors....what designs....very cool work. And it looks like it was a great way to "kick off the New Year"!