Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Organizing my way into 2019

After the fun and craziness of holidays, my company gone, I was inspired by my daughter to do some cleaning out.
She was busy making room for new TOYS...My granddaughter finally gave up her little "my little ponies"...Just marking another step in her journey to growing up. They were adorable and I will miss them. After talking to my daughter, I decided it was time to take a closer look at my studio.
 I think I'm the Queen of scraps even though I don't do much with them. I'm a cleaner-outer, but when it comes to fabric...not so. I had bags all over the place.
  They had outgrown the bin I kept them in and I was constantly tripping over them.
 So a trip to my local "everything" store (you know the one I mean), I came home with lots of new bins...all sizes to have choices. I have a walk in closet in my studio so I rearranged some items and was able to fit all my scraps - all neat and tidy. Feels good....now to come up with some projects to use all these scraps.

1 comment:

  1. Show off! HA Even when I do this...before I know it...all those little scraps are back out of their homes!! Hope you have better luck!!
