Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Challenge Piece

My challenge piece is done and it was really a lot of fun. This was the challenge my PTA group is involved with. We haven't chosen a name for it yet, we're thinking "Inspired By". We're to do a piece inspired by an artist (2 dimensional and non-quilt) that inspires us. I chose Martin Johnson Heade. I was not too familiar with him, but in looking for an artist, I came upon some of his works and recognized them as pieces I've admired in the past. He's an American artist, does lots of florals, salt marshes and usually includes hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are near and dear to my heart. My mother in law - Hilda would sit in my studio and watch them out the window for hours. I loved her connection with them, and mine. Here is one of Heade's paintings.
And here is my finished piece. I haven't named it yet - that's always the hard part.
Our PTA group has been invited by the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival to do an exhibit at their conference in February, 2012. The exhibit will feature our artist inspired piece along with another piece of ours - can be old or new. This conference which takes place near Williamsburg is run by Mancuso Bros and a wonderful event. I've taught there many times and will be teaching there again this February, so hope to see you there!

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