Sunday, August 27, 2017

Eco Printing Workshop

Recently, I had the great fun of taking an eco printing workshop from Vickie Bennett. I've known Vickie for a while and have always been a big fan of her finally it worked out where I could sign up for her 1 day workshop.... packed full of information and fun!
 One of the techniques we used was layering leaves and plant material on top of silk noil or a scarf blank.
 Everyone brought lots of things to share...a great variety of plants and all were anxious to see how each one would print.
 We had pvc pipe or copper tubing for wrapping our fabric/leaves. I chose the copper to see if the metal would have any effect on the didn't seem to.
 This scarf turned out lovely and picked up a lot of the color from the plant material.
 This is my scarf...I like the results but would have liked more color. The lack of color is a result of  spritzing iron water to the piece before steaming. The "ferny" type leaves are Sumac...the good kind that doesn't make you itch.
 I think the Sumac had a powerful presence...
 and another pretty scarf with good color.
 And our instructor's beautiful scarf in which she also used a "color carrier" to get more color on her fabric.
 and a detail....
Another fun technique we learned was the use of color carriers to create more color on the piece. 
 For this exercise we used silk noil which takes any kind of color beautifully
 with great results.
 and my piece...a little more subtle than some of the others. I can't say I'm in love with it...maybe in like with it but more important I'm happy to know how to do this...will be doing lots of practicing in the future.
 and another very successful piece..
 Our class with Vickie in the middle.
What a fun day and we learned so much in such a short time. Out of respect for Vickie and all the hard work she did in creating this workshop, I shared mostly results...which hopefully will wet your appetite into taking a workshop from her...You will be happy you did.....til next time.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing results from eco printing...some of your results were quite nice. I don't use silk much and don't need anymore scarves....wish you could get results like this on cotton...I need to investigate! Nice workshop...thanks for posting!!!
