Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fiber Junkies Day

It's that time again - when the warm weather comes and we can move our play days outside. Our deconstructive screenprinting is always part of our summer agenda. We met at Vals who has a wonderful working space. She has everything ready to go for us - tables covered, print paste mixed and an order of sunshine!
We bring lots of "stuff' to lay under the screens, usually spread all over the driveway. Each time we do this, the amount of "stuff" increases in leaps and bounds. It's amazing how your eye becomes tuned into the weirdest things to use and often the best.
So let the fun begin...
Our screens are made and drying very quickly in the sun. We'll be printing very shortly.
Gen started with a combination of screenprinting and stenciling.

Denny loves to experiment and always coming up with new things to do. Note the orange squiggle going through the screen (left). On right is some silk organza I screened on. 
I love this one but can't remember who did it. Jump in girlfriends and let me know if it's yours.
Left is Denny's who has painted a permanent resist on her screen to create the white areas on the fabric where the dye didn't go through...clever...and on the right is Vals - gorgeous, vibrant color.
This is another Denny's with paint added to the white fabric first and screened over it, another good idea!
This was Kates. I love the orange snaking it's way through the prints.
More to come...stay tuned.


  1. once again, you are in a great group of experimenters
    LeeAnna Paylor

    1. I consider myself very lucky to be part of such a great group
