Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Nice Surprise

I've been doing little odd projects during the Pandemic...things I ordinarily don't get to do. One of these was to cover an old footstool. When I was in college and majoring in Home Ec...we had a Home Managment course.... I loved it as a lot centered around creative skills...We had to learn how to keep bills and budget, create a blueprint of the house we wanted to live in...make a drapery panel, refinish a piece of furniture etc....
For my furniture project, I wanted to choose something reasonable so I would be able to finish it in time....It was smaller than some but it did come out nice and done on time. I covered it with a piece of upholstery fabric I had kept from something else. Mind you, this was 55+ years ago and the stool belonged to my mom....I was giving it back to her when I was done....AND she loved the new look (above).
Fast forward 55 years to present day and I now have my mom's stool which I've used for years (some things are too functional and sentimental to give up). In redoing the family room several years back, I had picked up lots of fabric samples in our new color...some were very big pieces..
and I of these might work to recover the stool...BUT first I had to remove the old covering from AND AGAIN I SAY.......55+ years ago....hmmmmm.......I wonder what kind of condition it will be in and what I'll find underneath....One never knows.
The old covering was in remarkably good shape....but wait...there seemed to be something else underneath acting as a padding.
Oh Wow..... perfect condition was this beautiful needlepoint my mother had done ....just waiting to be discovered again one day. My mother was a lover of needlepoint and I don't have anything that she's done so you can image my joy at finding this....a great surprise....I'll frame it or make it into a small pillow but it will be out somewhere for me to you mama!!!

And here is the newly covered footstool which goes far better with current decor....I might add, if you're thinking of taking on a project like was very sewing involved...just staples and a few long nails....Til next time.


  1. What a lovely surprise. And the footstool turned out beautifully. A real win-win.

  2. What a wonderful 'find'!!!!! How exciting...I love the footstool's such a beautiful piece of work!!! As is your mom's 'surprise' needlepoint! Keepers for sure!
