Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More Silkscreens including I'm a Geat!

That's right - a Geat....not a geek.  My husband is into geneology and getting ready explore his own family ancestry and some of mine. My dad's family was from Sweden and when looking into their birthplace, we discovered that Sweden was divided - the southern end was Geatland and people from that area were Geats. The northern part was Sweden and eventually, it all became Sweden, but my family was born in Geatland. 
 So upon seeing this map, I decided to make it into a silkscreen - for personal use only. I had never heard of Geatland and thought it an interesting story.
 I also wanted more screens with writing, so I found more of my grandmother's writing - this one for Carrott Pudding - carrot spelled with 2 ts. My son asked me (grinning) if you use this on a quilt, do you think people will buy it just to get the recipe....hmmm...
 And a screen from a drawing my son did - totally love this drawing and wonder how it will work into one of my quilts.
 This next picture is an ancestor which I scanned into photoshop and using filters
 was able to make an interesting screen, not filled in solid but I like it this way as it gives it a more aged look.
 This last one is my favorite, the picture is around 90 years old; it's of my mother in law when she was a toddler. I scanned it into Photoshop, made it into a line drawing, did a little filling in here and there
 and here's the finished screen.
 I always screen the image on a heavier piece of clear plastic and keep it in the folder with the screen.  I can lay the plastic over fabric or a quilt to see how it will work before screening.
As always, til next time.


  1. ohhhh what a great way to delve into past and make it more real! You surely are a Geat!

  2. screening on the plastic is a great idea Judy. Love your work.
