Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hooray for Georgia

Hooray for Georgia....our Georgia Bonesteel who was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award at the annual Southern Highland Craft Guild meeting.
The annual meeting is always a wonderful time and the only time this huge guild meets as a whole. There is always a business meeting and this year, some special awards. The Lifetime Achievement award is quite an honor. Connie Brown presented the award, said some lovely things about Georgia's contribution to the quilting community and also mentioned that she could go on and on about Georgia's accomplishments, but we would be sitting there until July...I believe it!
 So hats off not only to a great lady in every way but also for caring and sharing so much with so many.
In the afternoon, we all went upstairs to the Focus Gallery to see an exhibit of 9 women artists today. There were in the guild in the 70s and 80s...some still are, some have moved out of the area. It was a wonderful exhibit and will be up for a few more days.
Having been involved with wearable art myself, I'm always drawn to clothing. Jimmy Benedict had some amazing and very colorful clothing on display.
This is the back of one she was wearing...
and myself with Jimmy on the right.
These 3 garments fascinated me...although not particularly wearable...well I guess you could ...with great care...They were made out of recycled items.
The ruffles you see are pattern pieces sewn on a base to create ruffles.
The blue circles are the end papers on a spool of thread with buttons on top.

Empty spools make an interesting end to a tassel.
This garment used recycled tea bags and pattern pieces.

This one used lots of recycled Starbucks materials from cups to napkins.
 The fringe was created with pattern paper
and the closure with startbucks
It even comes with its own packets of sugar...A wonderful, fun and interesting day.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting...and congrats to Georgia...I remember when she was on TV..PBS??? years and years and years ago!!! One of the first quilting shows I watched! Love the starbucks jacket!!!
